Are you in need of fundraising efforts in order to help out your child’s school or for a local family or perhaps a nonprofit organization? Whatever the reason is for needing to bring in some funds and to whomever the funds will go, there are several things you can do to ensure your fundraising project runs smoothly and meets (or exceeds) your financial goals.
Different Fundraising Events. Different Strategies.
There are several different routes you can go golf tournament fund raising when it comes to producing a successful fundraising experience. Each of these fundraising events will have different strategies. Each will work better for one target group than another one does. But all of them have the same goal of bringing in the most funds for your mission.
The good part? Each and every one of them can at least in part, easily be done online. Even if you choose to only announce and give details online and manage the rest via a different method, you’ll find an online method brings much ease into your tasks. Simply go to Events Listed and see how easy it is to post your fundraising event, no matter which type of fundraiser you chose to execute.
Event fundraising can get quite fun, but you also have to consider the cost involved to host an event and make sure you’ll not only get that money back, but also meet your financial goals for you fundraiser. If not, it doesn’t matter how much fun you had, it’s pointless. Be smart when making your decision.
Here are a few ideas:
Event Fundraising
- Host a dinner that includes a speaker that will educate your audience about your cause. Just be sure to get a lively speaker, not one that will put your audience snoring in their soup.
- Host a trivia night and make the questions relate to your cause. Make the questions fun, lively, and possibly interactive.
- Put on a golf tournament with incentives for your guests. Who doesn’t like incentives?
Sales Fundraising
- Discount cards are not only easy to carry; they provide great value to your supporters. These usually hold coupons from local businesses and are great sellers.
Direct Donation Fundraising
- Fundraising letters. Send out to a targeted mailing list and just flat out ask for donations after you’ve been informative about your cause.
Silent Auction Fundraising
- A lot of fun and usually very profitable. You can have just a few highly quality, high bid items, or several low bid items. Just make sure all items are applicable to your guests. Remember who your audience is.
Raffle Fundraising
- Who doesn’t love to get in on the chance to win? You’ve seen those who’ll buy 25 tickets at $1 each just for the chance to “win” a small basket of chocolates. Everyone loves to win and will even pay to win.
Online Fundraising
- It just doesn’t get any easier than this. You can put your entire fundraising endeavors online. From the announcement to soliciting for and collecting the donations themselves can be done easily. Just go to Events Listed. So have fun, rake in some cash, and then do it again soon! Who says you can only do this once?